Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de celebrate

to celebratecelebrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I celebrateyo celebro
you celebratetú celebras
he celebratesél celebra
she celebratesella celebra
we celebratenosotros celebramos
you celebratevosotros celebráis
they celebrateellos celebran
they celebrateellas celebran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I celebratedyo celebré
you celebratedtú celebraste
he celebratedél celebró
she celebratedella celebró
we celebratednosotros celebramos
you celebratedvosotros celebrasteis
they celebratedellos celebraron
they celebratedellas celebraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have celebratedyo he celebrado
you have celebratedtú has celebrado
he has celebratedél ha celebrado
she has celebratedella ha celebrado
we have celebratednosotros hemos celebrado
you have celebratedvosotros habéis celebrado
they have celebratedellos han celebrado
they have celebratedellas han celebrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had celebratedyo había celebrado
you had celebratedtú habías celebrado
he had celebratedél había celebrado
she had celebratedella había celebrado
we had celebratednosotros habíamos celebrado
you had celebratedvosotros habíais celebrado
they had celebratedellos habían celebrado
they had celebratedellas habían celebrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will celebrateyo celebraré
you will celebratetú celebrarás
he will celebrateél celebrará
she will celebrateella celebrará
we will celebratenosotros celebraremos
you will celebratevosotros celebraréis
they will celebrateellos celebrarán
they will celebrateellas celebrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have celebratedyo habré celebrado
you will have celebratedtú habrás celebrado
he will have celebratedél habrá celebrado
she will have celebratedella habrá celebrado
we will have celebratednosotros habremos celebrado
you will have celebratedvosotros habréis celebrado
they will have celebratedellos habrán celebrado
they will have celebratedellas habrán celebrado

I would celebrateyo celebraría
you would celebratetú celebrarías
he would celebrateél celebraría
she would celebrateella celebraría
we would celebratenosotros celebraríamos
you would celebratevosotros celebraríais
they would celebrateellos celebrarían
they would celebrateellas celebrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have celebratedyo habría celebrado
you would have celebratedtú habrías celebrado
he would have celebratedél habría celebrado
she would have celebratedella habría celebrado
we would have celebratednosotros habríamos celebrado
you would have celebratedvosotros habríais celebrado
they would have celebratedellos habrían celebrado
they would have celebratedellas habrían celebrado

Participio presenteAnotado
celebrating celebrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
celebrated celebrado

Más verbos

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